Battle Towers cards

Bishop's PrayerSpecialSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Draw 1 card. Shuffle this card back into your draw pile.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
ChilledSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card.
Cursed TapestrySpecialAttack0Fleeting. Lose 5 HP. Deal 30 (50) Damage. Gain a random Common Relic.
Dark EnchantmentSpecialSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain [E] [E]. Increase all numbers that can be increased on cards in hand by 1 this combat. Exhaust.
King's CommandSpecialSkillUnplayable. When you play another card, deal 4 (6) damage to a random enemy.
Knight's ManeuverSpecialPower2 (1)Choose: Gain 3 Dexterity and lose 1 Strength, or gain 3 Strength and lose 1 Dexterity.
Pawn's AdvanceSpecialAttack1Gain 4 (5) Block. Deal 4 (5) damage. This turn, all Pawn's Advances gain 2 (3) bonus damage and Block.
Queen's GraceSpecialAttack3Gain 10 Block. Deal 10 damage. Draw 3 (4) cards. Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaust.
Rook's ChargeSpecialAttack2Deal 8 (10) damage. Repeat for each other Attack in your hand.
Slime ElixirSpecialSkill0Retain. Draw 2 (4) cards. Shuffle a Slimed into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Wind StrikeSpecialAttack1Each Wind Strike increases the damage and block gain by 3 (6). Choose One - Deal 5 (8) damage and Gain 5 (8) Block or shuffle a copy of this into your draw pile.
Wish GrantedSpecialSkill0(Retain.)Wish for the PERFECT Upgraded Rare card to add to your hand. Exhaust.
Wish for KnowledgeSpecialSkill0Soulbound. Autoplay. Add a copy of a random card that you only have 1 copy of in your deck to it.
GreedySpecialCurseUnplayable. Ethereal. When drawn, lose 7 Gold.
PrickSpecialCurse0Retain. If this card is Exhausted, ALL characters lose 1 HP. Exhaust.

Battle Towers relics

Alphabet SoupSpecialAt the start of each combat, choose 1 of 3 cards that start with a certain letter to add into your hand. Whenever you play a card that starts with that letter, gain 4Block and [E] .Letterlicious.
Armorer's HeadpieceSpecialYou feel more talkative and start combat with 1 Dexterity.Part of the Flock!
Bucket Of SlimeSpecialThe first time you play each card in your deck each combat, gain 1Block.A bucket of slime! Useful and multipurpose! Huh? What purpose? I'm just a salesman, figure that out yourself.
Cardboard HeartSpecialWhen obtained, picks 3 random cards. Choose 1 of 3 of the set to add into your hand with Retain each combat.Slain adventurer's decks form this lump of fibrous board.
Cleric's BlessingSpecialWhile in the BattleTower, at the start of each combat, gain 2Dexterity.That guy sure is friendly.
Cultist War BannerSpecialAt the start of combat, gain 1Ritual and lose 2Strength.Caw? Caw Caw! Caw. caw.
Cursed DollSpecialWhenever you lose HP, ALL enemies also lose twice that much HP.It's filled with pins and needles . . . and it looks surprisingly like you.
Dijinn LampSpecialAt the start of combat, shuffle a WishGranted into your draw pile.As you rub it, you can feel the faintest echoes of infinite power.
Gorgon HeadSpecialThe first time each combat that each enemy intends to attack you multiple times in a turn, it loses 1 temporary Strength.Still dangerous to look at.
Hollow SoulSpecialAt the start of combat, shuffle a Void into your draw pile.You never knew how important it was to you until it was gone.
Iron Pot HelmetSpecialWhen you play a Defend, gain 3Block.It once was special and enchanted. Now it's just a big hunk of metal.
Jade IdolSpecialOn pick-up add a WindStrike to your deck. The first Strike you play each combat is played twice.Immaculately carved, and defying physics just one of these with little effort becomes very powerful given time.
Louse War BannerSpecialAt the start of combat, gain 10CurlUp. When CurlUp is triggered, Block is not lost that turn.Be one with the bug.
LuckySpecialAt the start of the Boss combat of this Battle Tower, gain 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity.Those who give back to the less fortunate always find themselves rewarded somehow.
Nob War BannerSpecialThe first 3 enemy actions each combat that are not attacks grant you 1Strength. Start each combat with 2Weak.RRrroohrrRGHHhhh!!
Otto's DeckSpecialUpon pickup, replace your basic Strikes and Defends with Pawn'sAdvances. Obtain a random Uncommon and RareChessCard.Otto's deck is chess themed. Hm.
Promise of GoldSpecialGain 100 gold when you defeat the BattleTower boss.It will all be worth it.
Queen's PawnSpecialIf the first and last card you play in a turn is an Attack, deal 5 damage to a random enemy. If the first and last card you play in a turn is a Skill, gain 5Block.The most important and loyal of pieces.
Ruby FragmentSpecialOnce per combat, after dealing 15 unblocked damage in a combat, gain [E] and draw 2 cards.Just a shard of the Justicar's power, seems offence will be rewarded by his divine.
Scary NailSpecialYou have 1 additional Strength for every enemy in combat.Taken out of the Totem, this would fit great into a baseball bat.
Sentry CoreSpecialAt the start of every odd turn, deal 9 damage to a random enemy.An ominous energy still pulses inside, long after removing it.
Slime-Filled FlaskSpecialAt the start of each combat, add a SlimeElixir to your hand.Is this even safe to drink?
Snecko War BannerSpecialStart each combat Confused. Draw 3 cards at the start of the first turn of combat.This pattern. It's... mesmerizing.
Steelbound CodexSpecialWhenever you spend [E] [E] [E] on Attacks in one turn, your next Attack costs 0.Ok Intellij, why do you want to autocorrect "Steelbound" to "Spellbound"?!?
Sweaty ArmbandSpecialWhenever you receive unblocked attack damage, gain 1Strength.No pain, no gain.
TorchSpecialWhile in the BattleTower, at the start of combat, shuffle 2 copies of your chosen card into your draw pile.A simple torch that glows with an emerald fire. It seems to weaken the further it travels.

Battle Towers keywords

Keyword NameKeyword

Battle Towers creatures

Aspiring ChampionElite225
Book of SpellingBoss260
Bronze Automaton?Normal150
Burning ShamblerNormal49
Cardboard GolemBoss220
Cultist ArmorerNormal74
Doomed SoulNormal93
Executive SlimeBoss200
Fire Slime (L)Normal63
Giant ArmNormal250
Giga SlimeElite164
Golden LouseNormal32
Green SentryElite22
Horde of LouseNormal79
Huge SentryElite84
Ice Slime (L)Normal62
Invincible LouseNormal32
Itozus the WindwalkerElite154
Minotaur GladiatorNormal57
Natari the TimewalkerBoss310
Ninja LouseNormal39
Painted QueenBoss300
Prism GuardianNormal130
Purple SentryElite28
Red SentryElite26
Silver LouseNormal42
Voodoo DollElite200
Zastrasz the JusticarElite191